At Innovatrix we contribute to a world where you don't have to give up your life in order to make a living

We are Systemic Abundance Rangers and Optimists by nature

At Innovatrix we believe that everything has the right scale
We also believe that the production of anything should be carried out at a level as local as possible economically viable/reasonable, at the appropriate size and scale. We are strong advocates of Decentralized Production.
Thus, we work with Organizations, People and Communities in order to make real projects that fit the philosophy presented above.
Shall we work together?!

Areas that we work on with specialized partners and the approach we have
Disruptive and innovative construction technologies. 3D printing housing. Elements with a reduced carbon foot print. Concepts of modularity. Regenerative construction, hemp fibres and panels. FabSystems and Prosuming in Housing.
Micro-grids de mobilidade local e regional. e-Mobility as a service eMaaS. Investigação e implementação com hydrogen fuel cell fleets. Micromobilidade sustentável. e-Sport Mobility EcoChallenges. FabSystems Prosuming em Mobilidade.
For a healthy accessible diet. Local food sovereignty roadmaps. Vertical farming. Smart farming. Smart AgriHubs Partnerships. Hydroponics and food solutions of low carbon footprint impact. FabSystems Prosuming in Food Production.
Design and micro production, local. 3D printed cloths. 3D Fashion Week Latin America partner. FabSystems Prosuming. "Dress Who You Are! Fest" and “Wear your Heart on your sleve” partner.
New alliances for energy production and consumption. Consulting in Micro generation. Local energy redundancy and resilience systems. Definition of local energy generation and storage systems. FabSystems Prosuming in Energy Generation.
Decentrality as a Model of Value Creation. Design of DAOs. Chaordic Organizations. Distributed sustainability models. IP Commons and FabFabrication Hubs. Spiral Dynamics and Second Tier models. Partnering with Urgent Optimists, Friendly Favors, 4th Sector Network. Common Good Governance. FabLab and FabSystem design and implementation strategy.
Align individual enjoyment with the Common Good. Circularity Models. Common Good Governance. FabSystems Road Maps. Commons and Collaborative Design Systems. Commons Production Systems. Partnership design. Partnership "Make it Happen".
It is no longer enough to be "Carbon Neutral"; it is imperative to be "Carbon Negative"! Carbon Fit Strategies. Restorative Economics. Authentic Sustainability Assessment ASA. Anti-greenwashing and impact-washing strategies. Triple Bottom Line. Adequacy of environmental impact. Impact Transformation Journeys. SDPI sustainability assessments. SDPI Road Map & involvement.
In these areas, we work in the following dimensions: Ideation and Project Design | Conceptualization | Business Plans | Forsight | Project Implementation| Revitalization of Existing Projects |...

Utilize o telefone ou envie um e-mail para:
+351 919 352 168 antonio.chanoca@innovatrix.io